Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональных коммуникаций. Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации (английский)

Социология Искусства 1 к магистратура

"The point of departure of the sociology of art is the question: How is it possible that works of art, which always originate as products of human activity within a particular time and society and for a particular time, society, or function -- even though they are not necessarily produced as 'works of art' -- can live beyond their time and seem expressive and meaningful in completely different epochs and societies? On the other hand, how can the age and society that produced them be recognized in the works"?     Hanna Deinhard 

Преподаватель курса: Ершова Надежда Борисовна